Cancelation Policy

Cancellations and Refunds Please refer to the Cancellation and Refund Policy for cancellation and refunds terms in relation to usage of the Platform for availing Services. 11. Terms of service 1. The Buyer agrees and acknowledges that Go4best shall not be responsible for: 3. The services or goods provided by the Merchants including but not limited to serving of food Orders suiting your requirements and taste; 4. The Merchant's services or goods, or services provided by PDPs not being up to Buyer expectations or leading to any loss, harm or damage to him/her; 5. The availability or unavailability of certain items on the menu; 6. The Merchant serving the incorrect Orders; or 7. Product liability of goods provided by Merchants. 2. The details of the menu and price list available on the Platform with respect to restaurant services, goods or any other services are based on the information provided by the Merchants and Go4best shall not be responsible for any change or cancellation or unavailability. 3. Buyers and Merchants agree and acknowledge that Go4best is not responsible for any liability arising out of delivery services provided by PDP to them. 4. Buyers may not be able to avail Services if their delivery location is outside Go4best’s current scope of Service. Go4best will keep the Buyer informed of the same at the time of confirming his/her Order booking. 5. Buyer understands that delivery time quoted at the time of confirming the Order is an approximate estimate and may vary based on the information obtained from PDPs and Merchants. Go4best will not be responsible for any delay in the delivery of an Order. 6. Buyer understands that there are certain Merchants who undertake delivery of their goods and services to the Buyer and the Merchant may charge the Buyer for such service. Go4best exercises no control on such delivery services and same shall be under the control of Merchant alone and hence all or any disputes arising out of such delivery services shall be between Buyer and Merchant alone. Go4best shall not be responsible for such delivery services and assumes no liability for disputes arising out of the same. 7. Buyer’s Order will be only delivered to the address designated by him/her at the time of placing the Order on the Platform. Buyer’s Order will be cancelled in the event of any change of the address as informed by the PDP and Buyer shall not be entitled to any refund for the same. Delivery of goods and services in the event of change of the delivery location shall be subject to acceptance by the PDP or sole discretion of Go4best. 8. The Buyer shall undertake to provide adequate directions, information and authorisations to accept delivery. In the event of no delivery due to any act or omission attributable to Buyer, the goods or services shall be deemed to GO4BEST -ONLINE DELIVERY APP ( TERM & CONDITION ) have been delivered to the Buyer and all risk and responsibility in relation thereto shall pass to the Buyer without being entitled to any refund. 9. The Buyer understands that Go4best’s (including Merchant’s and PDP’s) liability ends once Order has been delivered to him/her, except where the product liability of the Merchant subsists. 10. Services provided: 1. You agree and acknowledge that Go4best shall not be liable for any damages, losses or claims to You or any third party in the event you have failed to adhere to the Terms of Use. 2. Buyer shall be required to provide credit or debit card details to the approved payment gateways while making the payment on the Platform. In this regard, Buyer agrees to provide correct and accurate credit/ debit card details to the approved payment gateways for availing the Services. Buyer shall not use the credit/ debit card which is not lawfully owned by Buyer, i.e. in any transaction, Buyer must use his/her own credit/ debit card. The information provided by the Buyer will not be utilized or shared with any third party unless required in relation to fraud verifications or by law, regulation or court order. Buyer shall be solely responsible for the security and confidentiality of his/her credit/ debit card details. We expressly disclaim all liabilities that may arise as a consequence of any unauthorized use of your credit/ debit card. 11. Go4best does not offer any refunds against goods or services already purchased from a Merchant or PDP through the Platform unless an error that is directly attributable to Go4best has occurred during the purchase of such product or services. 12. We constantly strive to provide you with accurate information on the Platform. However, in the event of an error, we may, in our sole discretion, contact you with further instructions. 13. If you use the Platform, you do the same at your own risk. 14. Buyer agrees that the Services shall be provided through the Platform only during the working hours of the relevant Merchants and PDPs.